Project Green Blade is working towards an open demonstration of a strategic solution to a persistent problem: how to “mitigate” the impacts of wind turbines on aviation radar.

It is relevant to many national and local stakeholders, such as government agencies, air traffic and air defence services, windfarm developers and energy suppliers. Any organisation that is experiencing similar issues will need to solve the same challenges that are outlined here, to enable green power and aviation to coexist without conflict.

Renewable energy generation is a key part of government policy to deliver clean growth: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, ensuring an affordable and secure energy supply and securing jobs and exports. Offshore wind farms have the potential to deliver much of this energy. A major obstacle to realising the full potential is due to the interference that wind turbines cause to existing defence and civil radar surveillance systems.

What is the Challenge?

Radar & wind turbines: In short, primary radars think wind turbines are aircraft. Primary radar is designed to detect moving targets – turbine blades move at equivalent speeds to aircraft and have similar / greater radar cross sections to/than aircraft. Current military and civil air traffic control (ATC) primary radars are 2-D so cannot distinguish the elevation of the target and therefore differentiate tracks. Military Air Defence (AD) PSR is 3D so less impacted – but concerns remain about potential interference particularly at low altitudes. This has led to national security concerns over wind farm deployment.

The Solution is....

Aveillant Theia Holographic Radar ™

This is a 3D staring primary radar that sees both aircraft and wind turbines, characterising each and so discriminating between them (i.e. only reporting true targets) with no loss of performance.

85% of UK public support the use of renewable energy for providing electricity, fuel and heat (BEIS Public Attitudes Tracker, Wave 25, 2018)


c. 13GW of UK offshore wind (Round 2 and Round 3 in construction, consented, in planning or scoping) still requires a technical solution to MoD radar objections, amounting to c.65% of the 20GW to be deployed by 2030 under the Offshore Wind Sector Deal (BEIS REPD July 2018 & 2017 RenewableUK/AIFCL Aviation Survey)


To meet Scotland’s 2030 energy target of 50% of energy for heat, transport and electricity coming from renewables, Scotland will need 17GW of installed renewable capacity, up from 10GW in June 2017 (Scottish Government Energy Strategy)


A new, binding, EU-wide renewable energy target for 2030 of 32% (i.e. for heat, transport and electricity), with provision for upwards revision by 2023


Contact us to find out more about Project Green Blade